One small thing or step…

Or idea or movement or thought or action. Whatever you want to call it we all need to do one small thing everyday to meet our goals. This message has been showing up everywhere for me and I need it.

Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed with my goals and commitments. It’s time to get back into the swing of my normal after having our baby. I have events to plan, organizations to organize, workouts to plan, posts to write, pictures to take, art to make, letters to write, house to clean, dinners to make, gardens to tend, books to read, baby to feed, kids to love and the list continues. These are all things I am grateful for and all things I want to do and have asked to do, I am not complaining. I just haven’t been able to find the motivation that I need to get my routine worked out.

I have loved the weeks of no real schedule and taking care of things when needed but now, I need to get it together. My first step, get back to my bullet journal. A journal where I can keep anything and a place where I can dump everything in my mind in an organized manner.

A few years ago, I was in search of a planner that I could move the pages how I wanted them. I needed to keep notes and lists close to my calendar, a place to doodle and space to document things about my kids. Plus, I needed a planner that I didn’t feel like I was going to mess up or waste the pages. Every planner I have ever used had been abandoned because they never felt continuous. This was when I read a blog about bullet journaling and I was sold.

An analog journal, planner and sketch book all in one that I could design as I go.

I picked up my journal and jumped right back into planning out my weeks. I do not follow the traditional bullet journal layout but I do use the basic principles. Pinterest and Instagram have been great for me when wanting to change my layout or looking for list prompts.

I took my first step of recreating the habit of journaling and getting everything out of my mind. The saying is right, this one small step has allowed me to capture ideas when I can and let go of the fleeting to be present for the important.

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