Last day of school…

We try to mark firsts and lasts with a tradition that is easy, fun and photo worthy. When Emerson started going to preschool we marked the first and the last day with going out for doughnuts before school. Then on the last day, an after school “I’m free” picture.

This year the kids checked pretty big milestones off their lists. Emerson finished kindergarten, Rhys finished his preschool career and Elle started preschool. It was an exciting year of firsts and lasts.

Last Friday, we all loaded up in the car and headed to a local doughnut shop to celebrate the last day of school and National Doughnut Day. I don’t think it was a coincidence that they happened on the same day!

While the kids ate their sprinkle donuts on the sidewalk because the place was busy I thought about our visit to Sidecar Doughnuts in Santa Monica, California and how I wish that it existed here, in our town.

I had never been to a doughnut shop like this place before. It’s creative, interesting and they serve mostly cake doughnuts. My doughnut shop experiences have been very different than that, so I was hoping that the doughnuts would be as good as the line was long.

They make everything fresh so your doughnuts come out hot. They’ve made a commitment to “making the ‘World’s Freshest Doughnut’.” I think they have nailed that process down. We had to wait for our doughnuts to cool down before we could eat! Plus, they are into knowing where their ingredients come from and that they all come “from the earth.”

While in line, we decided to do a taste test of most of their doughnuts. I suggested this because I couldn’t decide on one or even two, I wanted to try them all! I think we choose 10 different doughnuts, one was yeast and the rest had names like- Cinnamon Crum, Happy Birthday, Huckleberry, Old Fashion, Neutella Chocolate, Maple Bacon, Butter & Salt. There was a lemon cake one and the last one was like a soma.

I picked this placed based on a blog I read about things to do in a day from Santa Monica to Venice Beach. I thought what a fun starting point for our day of exploring. I should have taken more photos and made sure to make note of the names. I really thought, “I’ll look the place up later and get the menu.” Little did I know that every month they create new flavors along with their tried and trues.

We started our tasting and instantly knew that the best doughnut was the Butter & Salt. Then we tried Happy Birthday and that was the best one ever. Then the Cinnamon Crum and that took first place. After we tasted ten different kinds of doughnuts we couldn’t decide, they were all unbelievably delicious.

Eric and I decided right there that we should open a doughnut shop like this in our downtown. After the high from the remarkable treats was over, the discussion became someone else really needs to do this and we will be really great customers.

We boxed up our pieces that were left and headed out for a day of exploring. The doughnuts were better than the line was long and if we’re ever in Santa Monica again, we will do the exact same thing!

So Last Friday, when that final bell rang and our last bus stop pick up happened, I was excited to see Emerson get off the bus. He wasn’t so excited, he was sad that the year was over and he wasn’t going to get to see his teacher anymore. I was happy that he had a teacher he loved so much and felt for him while he was working through this new feeling of completion and change.

Now, a week into our summer break we are in full effect of summer fun!

Happy summer,


*We are really starting to perfect what kind of planning works for us on our big trips. We pick an area to go to, find out the major attractions by reading a couple travel blogs, figure out how to get there and go. I really try to not over plan and read too many things about places because we want to experience the adventure without being overly influenced.

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